Teen Classics Camp (Ages 14-17)


Word Power

Word Power is for teens that want a competitive edge in school and on standardized tests while learning about ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome. Over 60% of all English words have Greek or Latin roots, as does 90% of the vocabulary of the sciences and technology. Learn lots of common roots and add words like “querulous” and “internecine” to your vocabulary. Campers will learn a little language history and some fun facts about the ancient Greeks and Romans. At the end of the camp, you can test your skills and win prizes in “Roots Jeopardy.”

Camp Information

Class size: 7-12 Students

Program cost:
Location: University of Illinois Campus (TBA)

Questions: Contact Classics Camps director Ariana Traill
Staff: Meet the Classics Staff

To learn more about our daily activities, news and events, visit our Facebook page.

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